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This website is a Local and National authority directory website that provides every business owner with a free mobile-friendly and search-optimized business listing.
This website lists business owners information, and includes a wide span of various businesses.

Mobile devices are quickly becoming the #1 access device to the Internet. This website leverages this meteoric rise by affordably presenting your information in the mobile-friendly format now critical to the success of your business.
Is This website is an “App”? No. Applications must be downloaded by the consumer and then activated for every use.
This website is a Local and National authority website indexed by search engines. This is a WIN-WIN; your business benefits from both a search engine optimized listing AND from the link back to YOUR website. ”Why should I add my business to the directory?” Here the Top 5 benefits:
1. The #1 action you can take to boost the search ranking of your primary website is to obtain strong local links form authority sites.
2. Your listing in This website is like having a stand-alone “mini website” that describes your products or services, and that features images, click to call, Google map pinpoint with click for directions, and MOST importantly, a one-way link to your website.
3. Google maintains different search indices for mobile sites. Your listing presents an opportunity to have your business in Google’s mobile index.
4. Your listing will benefit from our ongoing SEO and social media promotional efforts. Plus our local advertising, promotion and sponsorship.
5. You CANNOT find a better promotional opportunity or one that will deliver such exceptional return on your investment at any of the four service levels. ”If you advertise offline, you must have a mobile-ready website?” 66% of Americans have performed a search on their mobile after seeing or hearing an offline ad (newspaper, radio, television, magazines, etc.). When they see or hear your ad, they then search on their phone or tablet for more information.
Local Search drives your business “Local Search” and mobile are two of Google’s top priorities. This website maximizes both. ”Will the This website send me more customers?” Guaranteeing traffic numbers is impossible, but here are 3 ways you surely will benefit:
1. If you have a website, your listing’s local and National link will drive people to your primary website.
2. Search engines index (and follow) these links. That raises the search ranking of your website.
3. If you don’t have a website, your listing performs like a “mini website” on steroids.
Your business finally will be “in the game” and found by Local and National Search.
We can not guarantee that you will get business from this website, however with this website you can increase the probability of success.